Re: [CH] My 3 day chili....

Nels Peterson (
Tue, 15 Dec 1998 06:30:09 -0600

Right as Rain - don't flame someone if they don't like as much heat as
yourself Let's respect those that like just a little heat.  We cook in our
family for three or more taste levels.  Some of it gets pretty hot and some
of our dishes have no chiles in them and are very mild.  

At 05:46 AM 12/15/98 GMT, you wrote:
>-> I really, really don't want to offend anyone, but my children would 
>-> have laughed me out of the house with this recipe. Plus as a home 
>Gee, with all respect, this is the chilehead list, not just the super-
>habanero-head list.  And IMH but probably not isolated O, just because
>someone's recipe isn't to ultra-hot tastes doesn't mean it doesn't
>belong here.  
>If I were this person, I suspect I'd be kind of hurt to have an attempt
>to share something I liked met like this. 