[CH] Sauce bottles...

Phil Boutros (philb@total.net)
Sat, 19 Dec 1998 09:53:41 -0500 (EST)


	First of all, you'll have to excuse me if this has been asked in
the past, but I just subscribed to this list about a week ago...

	My question is rather simple.  I made my own habanero sauce,
following a recipe posted on the SamMcGee's message board.  It actually
turned out pretty good.

	Now I *know* there are others who make their own sauce on this
list <g>.  I'm wondering where one finds a decent bottle to put their
sauce in.  Obviously, I would want something with a tiny opening that
would only dispense a few drops at a time, but I would have to be able to
remove that limited orifice in order to fill the bottle! 

	So where do you habitual sauce makers get your bottles?  Right
now, my sauce is sitting in a few spice bottles (which were boiled first),
and the little plastic "screen" used in those actually helps it dispense
only a few drops at a time.  But I'm pretty sure there's something better
out there!

	Thanks in advance for your help,

AH#61  Wolf#14  KoB/CoT#75
http://www.total.net/~philb            philb@total.net
"Power To The People" - BPP      EKIII will ride with me again.