[CH] Thanks

James Campbell (camkeep@bright.net)
Sat, 2 Jan 1999 07:32:34 -0500

Good morning and New Year Greetings to All.

I thank all of you who share recipes, cookbook info (my current method is
called 'humongofile'), other sites, etc.  As a constant battler of the
weight, I particularly like the vegetarian and 'lite'er recipes.

Hills Dept Store (std disclmr) in my area is selling off gift sets of hot
sauce at half price.  Labels on the bottles include words like: Tongue
Tingling, Rass Mon (with Scotch Bonnets), and Arm Licking (for hot wings).
Not terribly hot, but interesting flavors, and plenty warm for my wife, who
claims she likes 'baseboard heat' in preference to 'open flames'.

Warm Regards, Jim Campbell the Other, Campbell Keep, Bucyrus, OH