[CH] Chile question and brewing tidbit

jim wolfe (yoda@clark.net)
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 21:31:43 -0500

1st - anyone have a few Aji seed or even some tips on growing them.
My habs, datils, serrano, jalapenos, frying, cherry and sweet peppers
all grow well.
I have yet to get a Aji ( from some chilean seed sent me ) to get past
the 4 leaf stage.

brewing tip - all grain in the mash need to be converted to make beer,
rice is nearly impossible to malt
rice flour gums up and doesn't get converted, but torrified rice (puffed
rice  - Maltomeal $0.89 big bag)
works well to up the alcohol, and yet keep the brew light in body and
color and easy for the home brewer.

> Cardinal Cameron Begg wrote:
> "I have not heard of US breweries malting rice. Flaked rice is however used
> as an adjuct in mashing to consume excess enzymes (most commonly with pale
> malts) which would otherwise go to waste after completing the digestion of
> starch from the barley."
> The disclaimer most put here absolutely does not apply: I work at
> Anheuser-Busch and have an awareness of the ingredients used.

have any good ale yeast samples?? :-)
> George

Jim W		My opinions are just that; not my employer's or my wife's!
!! Do not assume that your freedoms are assured !! The truth is out
 Brew and Let Brew; Homebrewing is Fun -- For a Hot Time: EAT CHILES