[CH] Seeds starting...

Joe Ferguson (coredump@coredumps.org)
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 22:22:55 -0500 (EST)

Okay, so I'm in the grocery store the other day when these brilliant red
chiles (in a bin labeled "Red Chiles") catch my eye.  So I load up a few
in a plastic produce bag, pay for 'em, and get home.

I decide I want to try one, so I wash it and slice it in half lengthwise,
drag a fingertip down the inside to pop out the seeds, and pop a half in
my mouth. What a fantastic flavor!  Tasted just like a Bell (say what you
will, I love the taste of Bells), but with a fair kick.  So I grab another
one and slice it the same, but this time, just for kicks, I'll save the

Once the seeds were dry, I stuck them in a small ziplock with a napkin.
Two days ago, I decided I'd see if they'd germinate by putting a bit of
warm distilled water on the napkin, placing the seeds on the napkin, and
putting the napkin back in the ziplock.  I ended up putting the ziplock on
one of the coziest places in the house - on top of one of the computer
monitors.  Today, a couple of them little seedy things have tiny little

I figured I'll put them in small, 4-inch pots that I have with a bit of
potting soil (Bag says "Great for seedlings") and see what happens.

Now, being that I'm new to the growing game, anyone have any suggestions
for a first-time pepper potter?


## Peppers! @ CoreDumps.Org
## http://www.coredumps.org/peppers/