Re: [CH] Is Habanero the hottest pepper?

Brent Leatherman (
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 10:31:03 -0600

Well, I'd always understood that Red Savina's (a mutation, I believe) were
the hottest at 450,000 Scoville's (give or take a couple), compared to the
300,000 of a regular orange Hab. However, when you compare these numbers
with that of, say, a jalapeno (~5000 SU's), I've always thought it's kind
of liking asking whether you'd you'd prefer to be a ground zero for an
A-bomb or at an H-bomb test...sure, there are differences in degree,

At 11:08 AM 1/17/99 -0500, Chet Bacon wrote:
>There seems to be some debate about this..
>Some say Red Savina, some Scotch Bonnets, others Wild Bird Chiles, and yet
>others African Devil Chiles "crazy mad peppers"..
>No doubt about it, all are HOT - where's DeWhitt when ya need him?
>What else do ya all say?
>Billy Boy wrote:
>> Is the Habanero the hottest pepper? I've noticed that there are a few
>> varieties of the Habanero, the red and the orange. Is the Red Habanero
>> the same pepper as the Red Savina???
>> Just curious.... :)

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      Mr. Hedge, KPIG