[CH] colonel recipe site!

Chet Bacon (hcbacon@connix.com)
Sat, 18 Jan 1997 13:47:57 -0500

I found one way over in asia..  has about 90 recipes of his wife's..
grab what you can!
All are in html format but atleast they are there..  Thanks to all who
are sending or have sent me file.. presently 1/3 of the way there - when
complete I'll zip them up and leave them on-line for those interested.
once again thanks
here is the link and there is lotz of other links to good cooking there!


Chet (getting heavier around the waist but happier as well)..mmmmm


* Chet Bacon   KA1ILH     |           Okay, who put a             *
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