[CH] Digital Cameras

California Technologies (webmaster@catechnologies.com)
Tue, 26 Jan 1999 11:35:27 -0800

Sunny Conley wrote:

> I'm in the market for a digital camera 
> and am wondering how many high
> quality photos can be stored on a disk?

	We use Kodak DC260 digital cameras.
At the highest resolution and best quality
settings, the images are 1536 x 1024 and
average 400K-600K.  We average 120 images
on a 48MB SanDisk CompactFlash card.
	If you shoot at a lower resolution,
of course, the number of images which can
be stored increases proportionally.
	Also, the subject and lighting has
a great influence over the image size.
A forest scene, with multiple colors, 
various lighting patterns, and great image
density, for example, can easily be 900K
or more.
	When we bought our 48MB SanDisk
cards, they had just been introduced to
the marketplace and were the largest 
CompactFlash card available.  SanDisk now
has 64MB cards, 96MB cards are expected
early next month, and 128MB (and, possibly,
larger capacity) cards are expected by summer.

California Technologies - David Louis Harter
Computers - Internet Services - Firearms
Photography - Graphic Services - Model Agency