[CH] heat ranges

Byron Bromley (Byron.Bromley@gsd-co.com)
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 15:51:11 -0500

The Following list of Scoville Units of heat is from The Produce Guide
Source Frieda's Inc
Copy sent to me by N-K seeds

Pepper Type                  Scoville heat units
Habanero (Red Savina)          300,000 to 400,000
Habanero (Scotch Bonnet)     200,000 to 300,000
Kumataka                            125,000 to 150,000
Birds Eye                             100,000 to 125,000
Bahamiam                           100,000 to 110,000
Carolina Cayenne                 100,000 to 105,000
Tabiche                               100,000 to 105,000
Thai Pepper                           70,000 to  80,000
Chiltecpin                              70,000 to  80,000
Haimen                                 70,000 to  80,000
Santaka                                50,000 to  60,000
Red Chile                              50,000 to  60,000
Tabasco                               30,000 to  50,000
Chilipiquin                             30,000 to  40,000
Cayenne                               35,000 to  40,000
Chile de Arbol                       15,000 to  30,000
Serrano                                  7,000 to  25,000
Hidalgo                                  6,000 to  17,000
Jalapeņo                                3,500 to   4,500
Ancho Poblano                       2,500 to   3,000
Anaheim                                1,000 to   1,500
Coronado                                 700 to   1,000
El-Paso                                   500 to     700

1. This data was copied from above source data.
2. If you don't want this data the DELETE key, is not that far away
3. I have no concept why some of this data varies from other lists
4. I have no knowledge of seed sources for most varities listed.
5. I have no knowledge if this list has been previously posted
   as to the best of my knowledge the SEARCH function is still not
   Hint - Hint MB
6. Posted only for those who have access to some of these seeds
   without the data.

The words Duck and hit are  3/4th's of an obscene word