[CH] Brags

Dan deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Thu, 04 Mar 1999 12:46:42 -0600

Well, hi kids.  Deb in Houston here unlurking to brag on a few of you. I
just can't contain it any longer.  I've really come to love this list
and all you great folks after lurking here for these years.  You newbies
hang in there now and I think you'll be glad you did.

I just got around to opening a bottle of Jim Campbell's (The First)
Smokin' Chipotle Sauce and decided I'm an idiot for waiting so long to
try it after getting it months ago.  So what if my fridge is full of
opened bottles!  I refuse to make that mistake again!  Anywho (hi,
Rael), this sauce has really wonderful flavor and I've almost emptied it
already and sent in an order for more.  Thanks, Jim.  (insert usual

I also recently tried another one of Doug in BC's recipes.  You are
still the D&D Chef of the Year (that's Deb and Dan, not Dean and Deluca,
but if they ever discover you...)!  Your recipes are always so yummy and
obviously perfected to the point that even I can make them turn out
good.  I had read your suggestion of seasoning steamed cauliflower with
salt, pepper, Calvin's and turmeric but originally thought, "Cauliflower
and turmeric?"  Well, silly me, of course it was wonderful together. 
Try it if you haven't folks. You just can't go wrong with a Doug in BC
recipe. And what a great combo with Calvin's (hi, Calvin, haven't heard
from you in ages...you still with us? Lawd, I hope so!) but then, what
"ain't" good with Calvin's mythical powder?!  I haven't found that yet.

Rael recently gave me an email lesson in sauces after my attempt at
making a Kentucky Hot Brown failed.  If I were only rich that
long-haired-twister-playing-cook-poet-writer-redneck-monk would be my
personal chef if I could coax him out of retirement.  Ah, the dreams...

Anyone have a good recipe for a Kentucky Hot Brown?  Although the sauce
separated and was too thick (Rael said my roux ratio was wrong and I let
it get too hot, etc.), it was good kicked up a notch as I suspected it
would be with Calvin's on it.

Spring has sprung, but it has been really dry here in the Houston area
lately.  Luke in Oz said it is real wet there...it's always sumpthin' 
But I'm not missing the CT snow yet after two winters in Houston.  You
CT folks make a snow angel for me and drive carefully, ok?

Jeffrey, I'm still checking from time to time for some rocotos for you
but so far none worth buying have been available when I've been at the

Well, that's enough rambling for now.  There are so many others of you
who make this list such a great place to lurk: Andie, Rain, Alex,
Jonathon, Tom, Judy...too too many more to name.  Thanks all. Deb in