[CH] Chile Pepper Magazine & the bread (long one from James The Elder)

Jim Campbell (jim@wildpepper.com)
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:25:33 +0000

I thought the list might be interested in knowing that I spoke at length
to Dr. Gregory from Chile Pepper Magazine.  
     We discussed many things including the magazines' direction,
content, and web appeal.  I also carried with me many comments from the
list from the last few weeks. 
     We spoke for quite some time & I have found him to be knowledgeable
and engaging.  I invited him to join the list although he maintains a
very busy schedule.  I explained the non-commercial nature of the list
and observance with it (he couldn't explain the spam- I got mine as a
forward BTW, & they've been burnt by their last few web 'experts'
     He outlined several steps the magazine was taking to
improve/increase content and the direction.  They ARE changing their
audience as a business decision.  I've never begrudged anyone for their
business decisions, as I hope they respect mine.  They are moving from a
target audience to one of broader appeal.  His hope was that they would
find more chile heads out there in the masses (can't fault that :-) and
let them know they were not alone or strange (okay- not alone).  He
laughed pretty good when he hit the 'corporate giant' reference.  I can
empathise with him on that- 'big', like 'hot,' is about the ultimate in
individual perspective.
     We spoke about the fragmentation of the chile trade and it's
regionalization.  90% of us sauce makers do something else for a living
as well to pay the bills (I FIGHT fires in order to maintain balance
     We spoke about the decision to drop their Dallas show as well.  He
stated (and I believed) that they made it in the best interests of the
small vendors (for which I am grateful :-)  They could have continued
the show and made a profit but I for one, would have taken a beating at
their show for lack of buyers (again!).  He was well aware that it left
them with egg on their face and cost them no small chunk to cancel as
     I look forward to having him as a member of the list, as I would
anyone else.  He should be an able contributor.  I remain optimistic in
the magazines' future for many reasons.  This is where I need to put in
the disclaimers and they are identical to the reasons:  
     Chile Pepper has always gone out of their way to make me feel
welcomed.  The staff I have met have always been gracious.  CEO of
Magnolia himself helped me to tear down my booth at Dallas & load it up
a few years back!  At this years' Albuquerque show, even though it
wasn't their event, they held a free reception.  Wanted to attend the
event put on by the people you just paid several hundred $ in booth fees
to?  Cough up another $30!  
     I am not associated with Chile Pepper in any way nor do I profit
from the above statements.  I just know which behaviors I want to
encourage and which ones I want NOT to reward.  Speaking of rewarding

     I would also like to extend the bread offer once again.  The
details for anyone wishing to stand a chance of trying the bread:

Send me a name and shipping address that will be valid for at least a
year.  I promise to enter it into a lottery from which I will select, at
random times, a sample of names.  Winners get a slice (International
winners get a bottle of sauce instead).  You will receive no literature
from me, no junk mailings, no catalogs (I don't even have one!), not
even a business card.  Over 70% of those sending one last time got one
(my unstated goal at the time was 100%).  I will not begin to promise
those kind of odds again however.  You may do several things to increase
your odds:
     One, is that you send me the name and address as the only content
of the message.  DO NOT send me the contents of this message back!  If
you hit 'reply' make sure you do not also 'thread' your replies as a
default setting.  In agreement with the 'list cops' (Thanks Peter,
Cameron, et al) this is something that you should learn to do anyway and
regularly check.  This is a MAJOR courtesy to those who get this list in
the digest form.
     Two, is that you remember to ALWAYS use the delete key to perceived
offending messages.  DO NOT use the 'reply to' method.  Always maintain
civility and brevity (failed on that one- sorry :-)
     Three, is that you contribute where and when you can to the
maintainence of the best list going.

Thanks for your time & bandwidth!

-Jim C

Setting 'slow mail' once again for busy period and 10 day vacation.