[CH] V5 #261 Free seeds

Cameron Begg (begg.4@osu.edu)
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 08:02:52 -0600

Hi C-H's,

I was disappointed to see this irresponsible post from Chet Bacon:

"Some of you may remember the post about seeds for FREE! Well,
I just received my seed request from Plant Genetic Resources in Griffin,
blah........  blah............
Below is the URL and contact person (boy is she gonna hate me.. grin)"

And so do we Mr. Bacon! Don't you realise that if a hundred people from
this list pester her for seeds it will kill the goose that lays the golden

"Just email her with the request.. "

Please do not unless you are genuinely interested in growing rare and
unusual plants. Do not waste this valuable resource which is intended for
horticultural study.

"she never answered me so don't expect a reply."

I'm not surprised.

"   KA1ILH     |           Okay, who put a             *
* PO Box 284              |         "stop payment" on my          *
* Southington, CT 06489   |             reality check?            *"

Not me, but somebody surely did.
                     Regards,               Cameron.