[CH] chile oil

Eeyore (efalt@zianet.com)
Sat, 20 Mar 1999 22:59:44 -0700

I've been making chile oil for many years. I use a small heavy skillet and
put in it a 1/2" thick layer of crushed dry chiles and seeds. I cover the
chile with about 1 1/2" layer of canola oil. Turning the stove to medium
heat I simmer the chiles in the oil for about 20 minutes. I prefer the
flavor if the chiles aren't burned; some people, however, like them burned.

Pour the oil through a fine strainer into a clean lidded jar. Cool and then
refrigerate. The oil will be clear and red and the flavor delicious. 

I usually use our dried chile pequin (they're about 2" in length and
flavorful as well as hot.)