Re: [CH] My Recipe Posts
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:38:35 EST

Friends, World Citizens, Fellow ChileHeads, lend me your ears........

The general discussion regarding recipes is a bit too long of a thread for me
at this point in time.  In my opinion (everyone has at least one), this list
is an open forum for all to enjoy sharing information regarding the growing,
eating, purchasing, etc. of our favorite fruit from El Grande.

I for one enjoy the various recipes, but then again I am involved in cooking
each and everyday in order to make a living and to buy more Chile related
items.  I joined this list two years ago in order to have access to this
wealth of knowledge and experience.

Some of the recipes just don't turn me on for one reason or another, however
many of them do, and I have taken many of these recipes and experimented with
them looking for the right flavor and balance.  Doug in B.C. has some great
recipes that I love to try when I get a chance.  The recent Chile Oil recipes
have come in handy as I will be running out of some oil that a friend of mine
made for me last year and I will need to make some of my own.

I guess what it boils down to is that I believe that the recipes should keep
coming and that the other information should flow as well.  Thats what makes
this list so enjoyable.  From the rantings of some of our members to the
serious discussions of the use of chemical pesticides, I enjoy every bit of
it, and would not have it any other way.

If I have enraged you at all then please contact me privately as I would hate
to have everyone see me give you a frontal labotomy with a spoon via your
posterior opening. (Just kidding geez don't lose your sense of humor too)

Yours in Flavor

John "Chile" Whalen
CH # 2048
ICQ #274333561