[CH] Good-bye, thanks, apology and offer

Joe Ferguson (chilehea@chilehead.net)
Sat, 27 Mar 1999 23:02:33 -0500 (EST)

Howdy, folks!

You probably haven't noticed <grin>, but I haven't been around much for
over a month.  Not that my love of chiles has diminished, but my free time
sure has.  Between work and family, there sure isn't much left.

It's for those reasons that I'll be departing the list, and regretfully
abandoning the project I had begun, ChileHead.Net.

I went as far as to register the domain, and get that domain set up on a
server, as well as some preliminary HTML.  I had envisioned CH.net as a
haven for chileheads everywhere.  A site dedicated to chileheads,
and put together by chileheads as a collaborative effort.  I had
planned to bring you all into it once I had the initial
groundwork/foundation mapped out, but I never got that far.  I
envisioned interviews with chile-related personalities, website
reviews, maybe a 'pepper of the month' section where someone would
write up all the information they could about a particular
pepper...a Recipe database, Hints and Tips sections, how-to's, discussion
webs, links to all things chile, etc.  

I would LOVE to see this vision carried out, so I am offering the site to
you.  Please email me at my other address, coredump@coredumps.org, for
more information on taking over the site.  We're not talking money here.
The domain is already registered with almost 2 years left before any more
money is required.  The only cost would be the account on the server that
it sits on ($25 a month - check out http://www.liquidweb.com/ for more
information on what comes with the account - it's a fantastic setup and I
already have another domain account with them!).  All I ask is that
someone take over the account and domain, not reimburse me.

Thanks to all for all the great information, inspiration and recipes of
the past months.  I may subscribe to the digest, though...  :o)

Please, think about taking up the website.

Thanks again, sorry, and so long...