[CH] Rogues Gallery Update

Fri, 2 Apr 1999 16:28:20 EST

Ok Folks,

Phase 2 of the Chilehead Rogues Gallery and Registry (The names getting 
longer as the site gets mor complicated) has been put into place. 

See registered chileheads listed by geographical location or in alphabetical 

See who has sent in a picture... and who hasn't (I know, I know... it's 
coming soon)

See who has all the facial hair... and who's losing theirs.

Be sure and read the privacy policy.  It can't be an official web site unless 
it has one these days (or so it seems)

Soon to come... who knows, but "keep your eye out for me" (sorry old joke, 
knuckle-dragging too!)

Am working on a possible chat. And how about anyone with an ICQ number, who's 
not on =Mark Stevens list, let him know about it so he can keep his list 

That's it for now (and just enough it was too),

Jeff "The Pepperman" Schickowski
Chilehead Rogues Gallery and Registry