[CH] Hab germination

Stober, Karen E, SITS (kstober@att.com)
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 09:17:16 -0400

Hi all

How long do habs take to germinate?  I've had mine in a plastic
mini-greenhouse in my window for three weeks and nothing.  They are on top
of peat pellets that came with the hab mini-greenhouse kit.  I water them
every week.  I do not have any way to warm them.  Should I remove the peat
pellets and replace it with seed starter mix?  Should I push the seeds into
the peat instead of pressing them on top of it?

Half of rocoto seeds from Cameron germinated after two weeks.  The rest have
shown no sign of roots after three weeks.

My kirby cucs, white corn and supermane sunflowers sprouted in earnest after
a few days.  They are now in giant pots in the playroom window.  Planted
beets, carrots, dill, caraway, snapdragon, large cucs and portulaca this
weekend in the seed-starter trays in the kitchen.  It will be mid-May before
I can plant outside in New Jersey.   

Last year I decided to start a garden again after ten years and more.  Lost
the first garden to woodchucks and people robbing it at night.  The 1998
garden was destroyed by rabbits, woodchucks and drought.  Any ideas?
Woodchucks and people push over any cans or fencing.  Have tried dried blood
and hair with no luck.  Had a hunter bag the woodchuck but its heirs came
back in multiples.  My garden is entirely in shade, as that is the only
place I have.  I do plant herbs and flowers along my front walkway.  The
sunflowers go along a sunny fence.

Thanks in advance

Karen E. Stober
kstober@att.com (until June 1)