[CH] Germination problems.

Kasprowicz, Ray (RKasprow@microage.com)
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 09:49:43 -0700

I posted a few days ago that I had tremendous success in germination with a
Lao pepper received from a fellow CH.
The plastic green house is sitting on top of our cable box (which is never
turned off) that keeps it nice and warm. I planted SIX peat pods with THREE
seeds per pod. The Lao pepper came up in about 6 days and has since been
The other seeds have done absolutely nothing. They were all viable as far as
I know. I soaked them in a jar and only planted the sinkers (floaters were
discarded) so I am left wondering what went wrong. 
It's been two weeks as of Sunday (yesterday) and there still isn't anything
creeping out of the dirt.
I carefully removed the seeds from the dirt for inspection and NONE had
germinated. They have been re-potted and waiting again.
It seems a bit odd that one set out of the six took off and germinated so
Does anyone have any suggestions?