Re: [CH] Chiltepins in peat conatiners

Mike Gratton (
Wed, 07 Apr 1999 19:20:44 -0400

I am a lurker on the list, and have to un-lurk to answer this one...I have
started chiltepin seeds and numerous others in the Jiffy-7 pellets in covered
seed starting containers. I start all of my seedlings under fluorescent lights
in these type of containers with great success (100% germination). This year, I
used Burpees chiltepin heirloom seeds, but have had similar results from scotch
bonnet, red savina, habanero, and other varieties. I thoroughly moisten the
pellets first, poke a hole with a pencil to drop in seeds, and monitor the
moisture weekly. Keeping the tray covered with the provided clear lid, I have no
maintenance until the seedlings are tall enough for potting up into pots or
garden. If you have questions, or would like to see pictures, e-mail me

Mike Gratton
Poquoson, VA in sunny and 70 zone 7-8

Greg Jensen wrote:

> All knowing CHs,
> A few weeks back I planted a bunch of chiltepin and scotch bonnet seeds in
> some of the little peat conatiners most garden centers sell. I scored 2
> dozen of the planters for a dollar so I had to give them a shot. At any
> rate, I've gotten nothing to sprout thus far and have had an incredible time
> keeping the soil in these things consistently moist. It seems like the peat
> pots just drink up the moisture. Has anyone had any luck starting seedlings
> in the peat planters or am I just doing something wrong in this case?
> Thanks in advance,
> Greg