[CH] Off/On Topic Stuff (semi long)

=Mark (mstevens@exit109.com)
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 10:24:08 -0400

At 03:57 PM 4/12/99 -0700, Rosemary Basil wrote:
>I've only been here maybe a month but I think a lot of
>these posts are getting downright combative and
>childish. Rain, I agree with your general appraisal. I
>think I'll follow you as soon as I clarify where I'm
>coming from. 

I've been here several years, and have not seen any major change in the
signal to noise ratio recently.  This list has always been subjected to
occasional debates and arguments about growing methods, pest control, chile
enhanced adult entertainment and the Great Cilantro Wars.  Some people just
seem to have thinner skins than most.  If you want to see real flame wars
you should subscribe to the BBQ lists where people regularly threaten
physical violence over matters of regional cuisine!

I figure a mailing list where everybody agrees with everyone else all the
time is quickly going to get very dull, and how are you going to learn

>I didn't mean to contribute to any disruption here but
>just want to say to all those who are so anti-American
>and anti-Bill when innocent lives are being lost over
>religious or ethnic  differences it's time to put
>politics aside. Aren't we lucky to have this FREEDOM
>to rant and rave here?

So, are you saying they should stop ranting and raving and appreciate that
they have the freedom to rant and rave?  Do you automatically equate being
anti-Bill with being anti-American?  I'm sorry but I can feel quite
patriotic and still find mister Clintons actions to be reprehensible.  I am
also having a hard time with the balkan policy of "Stop killing all those
people or we'll start killing them too!"

>Also, I want to say to Jim & Mike I know these lists
>have to be managed especially when they reach the size
>this one is. I have several lists and online clubs so
>I can empathize. I run my lists a little differently
>so I may not fit in here. I maintain a high tolerance
>for tangentitis as long as it is not mean-spirited & I
>believe variety is the spice of life. 

I think that is the key here, recognizing that in a text based world that
certain comments or statements can take on a negative tone that might not
have been intended as such.  I think it unlikely that in a vocal
conversation that a disagreement about controlling aphids on chile plants
would have degenerated into a shouting match.  People should not get all
bent out of shape because ther is a disagreement on a mailing list, we're
talking chile peppers here!  I've met and made dozens of friends on this
list in person, from Boston to DC and Albuquerque, and I'm not likely to
throw that away because a couple people disagree on bug spray for cripes sake!

Posting strong political opinions in this forum may not be appropriate, but
it is also quite rare here.  Also you might have simply subscribed at a bad
time.  This was not indicative of Rael's usual banter, but most regulars to
the list have become accustomed to his, umm, "unrestrained" manner of
conveying his feelings.  Let's just say that his approach to life and
conversation tend to be on the passionate side...

Taking a cue from the Food and Wine mailing list, this forum is comparable
to a group of friends and relatives sitting down to a meal (spicy, of
course) around a large table.  Conversations would range in topics from the
foods to the recipes to how the stuff was grown or purchased.  Talk would
occasionally go off topic or a tad off color (knuckle draggers unite!) and
there might even be an argument or two.  But thats life and human nature.
Eventually conversation comes back to the great food and friends at hand
and the meal goes on.  Pass the cilantro!

>As I writer, I like words.  I like to foster humor,
>vignettes and personal anecdotes that make life
>interesting and I never was one for lots of rules. I
>guess I am sometimes naive and childlike when I should
>be looking at the big picture.
> People say to me, "you sound like you're having fun!"
>I have to say "No, I just look harder to find it
>I won't apologize for this being so long, it BUGS ME
>(back to original subject, LOL)  when people do that.
>You know where the delete buttons are too :)
>Off my soap box (& maybe, like Rain, on no-mail for

Don't be doin' anything rash!  You'd be missing a lot of fun!

>Rosemary Basil

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

                @ http://www.exit109.com/~mstevens @
                                  @ ICQ# 2059548 @

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