Re: [CH] coriander

Doug Irvine (
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 18:51:59 -0700

Yippee for you, Mary-Anne.....great stuff, indispensible in any Thai dish,
and most Chinese  dishes as well....I go through a bunch every couple of
weeks or ten days, and I use it in everything. Agreed, it IS an acquired
taste, but once acquired, look out, yer stuck with it, right? I really do not
know what I would do without Cilantro, or coriander, but cilantro, I can eat
right offn the bunch in the market(to see if it is good enuf to buy) Theft?
Anyway, I cannot imagine a Thai dish, of which I do a lot, without this
wonderful herb, and when I can get it with roots, very seldom, unfortunately,
the roots get squished up and go into whatever!!Interestingly, this is also
known as Chinese Parsley, for those who were not aware of that....dont
suppose an Egyption could decorate a cake with it? Cheers, Doug in BC wrote:

> >>coriander, cilantro, and soapweed mean the same plant<<
> Dear Dave:
> Have you ever tried using the coriander plant roots?  It is pounded into a
> paste with chiles and garlic for many Thai dishes and curries.  Still a
> different flavor from this versatile plant.
> Mary-Anne