[CH] Re: Chile Prep - How_TO

Nancy J. Hutson (nhutson@niia.net)
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 07:19:37 -0600

David Shalita <af389@lafn.org> wrote:

<< Is there info on Internet about how to convert
raw Jalapeno Peppers I buy at store, into
the nice Vinegar soaked Japapeno's I eat at 
favorite Taco Stand? >>

This is something I discovered by accident, and I don't even 
know if it's my imagination or not...but I slice up jalapenos 
and habs and add them to the leftover juice from a jar of 
olives.  They seem to be milder and stay very crunchy.  As for 
the burning sensation, Dave, wear rubber gloves when cutting up 
chiles, and don't touch your eyes or any other sensitive body 
parts afterwards.  Your hands will get accustomed to the burn 
after a while though, and you'll even kind of enjoy it :)
