[CH] Neither rain, nor sleet...

Deb deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 11:47:49 -0500

...Nor speeding traffic will stay an Austin Hotluck!  Wow! David and
Helen, you set up unprecedented criteria for Hotluck Hosts.  I may have
to give up any thoughts of one day doing that here in Houston; not sure
I have what it takes!  So sorry to hear of your accident.  And even
sorrier that I missed the party looking at the bill of fare.  Please
pass along recipes for everything. 

Yvonne, was it anchovies or sardines?  Either way, I *need* that
recipe...  and yum...doesn't orange-rum-hab cheescake sound great?!
and..cuttlefish...and Colonel's...and...
Deb in Houston
David wrote:
Homemade pico de gallo
        Bill's homemade salsa
        Thai Grilled Steak (based on the late Colonel's recipe)
        Chipotle Scalloped Potatoes
        Thai Appetizers (deep-fired meatballs wrapped around a chile;
the Colonel's recipe)
        Habenero Chile
        Dried Sardines Fried in Chiles
        Dried cuttlefish with hot dipping sauce (for the adventurous)
        Lime-Habenero Cheesecake
        Orange-Rum-Habenero Cheesecake

        And of course, being Austin, plenty of Shiner Bock and Celis

        If anybody wants recipes of these, I'll post them as soon as I
them from the respective folks.
(snip again)