Re: [CH] Okra Recipes

Rockin' Randy (
Tue, 4 May 1999 15:52:37 -0700 (PDT)


That's an idea!  Maybe it's the combo that gets me!

My last frontier to conquer in the food arena was Sea Urchin at the Sushi
place.  It looked slimy but Okra it wasn't!  The thought of eating it made
my skin crawl.  But after a large bottle of Sapporo and a serving of Saki
I ordered it.  After slapping a big wad of wasabe on it I fearlessly
downed it.  It wasn't too bad, not unlike cold scrambled eggs.

Once again the heat of the wasabe was what drove up the toleration factor.

Have you added new menus?  Do you take mail-ins or do you prefer to
collect them yourself?



--- =Mark <> wrote:
> MMMMMMMM!   Gotta love any dish that incorporates fuzzy AND slimy!
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