[CH] Tomatillo seeds etc.

Sue Callaghan (scallagh@african-life.co.za)
Wed, 5 May 1999 12:54:17 +0200

Hi all,
Harry Jones asked where he can get Tomatillo seeds - from Dave Anderson
at Tough Love of course! The same site where I finally took my courage
in hand and ordered some of Jim Campbell's (the elder) Apple Smoked
Savina powder. It arrived yesterday and as I met my husband in a bar
after work - this is where I opened the envelope. Some pubs in South
Africa dish out bar snacks to the cocktail hour drinkers which are not
your basic peanuts and chips. In this particular pub the snack turned
out to be bits of fried potatoes and a small helping of an unidentified
meat stew with a sauce that seemed to have had a bottle of chile spice
waved somewhere near it while cooking. I decided that this was the
perfect opportunity to sample the miracle powder - tart up the rather
bland taste of the stew. I sprinkled a small amount of the powder on the
side of the plate and dipped the next mouthful into it before eating.
Woweeee Weeehaa! What a wonderful flavour and a burn that starts to kick
in about 30 seconds later and kind of builds up to a crescendo just
after you've eaten the next mouthful. Too late to save my husband who
decided that he didn't get enough in his first try and overloaded the
second just a bit! Those who've been on the list for a while may
remember how he caught me out with our first ripe red Hab - this was
payback time! He sat there and glugged back most of a pint of beer in
about 20 seconds and then proceeded to warn everyone else in the bar not
to touch that stuff as it's lethal! His eyes watered for at least five
minutes and I just about fell off my bar stool laughing at him.
Three cheers for Jim Campbell for creating this culinary wonder and for
Dave Anderson for making it possible for people like myself in a country
where Chipotle has never been heard of (never mind Apple Smoked Red
Savina powder!) to actually buy the stuff via the internet. I'm finally
going to be able to have a bash at making THE BREAD (although I don't
think I'll be using quite as much of the powder as the original recipe
recommends!) I'll report back after the weekend baking experiment.
Sue in SA