Re: [CH] Chickens & Peppers

Chief (
Wed, 12 May 1999 17:26:43 -0500

Couple season ago I let my chickens in the garden after everything was
gone but okra and  some pepper plants.  At the time i thought they would
try them and then leave them alone.  Boy was I wrong Six hens striped 4
loaded plants in one day.  Next year there was chicken wire around the
plants when let the chickens in after the rest of the garden was gone. 
Still give them the peppers we cant eat they love them.
Rob Solarion wrote:
> Dear ChileHeads :
> Thanks for all the comments about feeding hot peppers to birds and cats,
> etc.  There is a legend in my family, and after reading all the comments
> about how birds like to eat hot peppers, I am wondering if it is true - but
> - my grandmother and various descendants of hers tell us that my Uncle
> Roberto, after whom I was named, when he was growing up on the farm, used
> to go out to the garden, pick some hot peppers and feed them to the
> chickens in the back yard.  The chickens supposedly would run all over the
> place, squawking from "pain" or whatever.  The whole family used to watch
> them and laugh like hell about this - but - after reading the comments at
> ChileHeads, I am wondering if that "legend" is just a "family myth."  Maybe
> those chickens were actually "in ecstasy" after eating all those hot
> peppers, rather than in the "pain" that my grandmother recounted.
> The chickens probably had the last laugh.  Too bad my grandmother is dead.
> I would love to inform her, "I told you so."  Ahhhhh, life can be very
> sweet and ironic sometimes.
> Regards, Roberto
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>   "If skill could be gained by watching, every dog would become a butcher."
>                             Old Turkish Proverb
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=