[CH] "Hardening" chile plants

Ed Johnson (ejohnso1@maine.rr.com)
Sun, 16 May 1999 18:51:01 -0400

Hello, Folks

Please forgive me if this has been discussed recently, but I have been
unsubscribed for quite a while, and just re-joined.

What is the best technique for hardening indoor grown plants when setting them
out outdoors?

I started six habanero plants last February indoors under metal halide grow
lamps, and they are now beautiful foot tall plants.
About a week ago, I took two of the largest ones and set them outdoors. They
immediately proceeded to croak. The one habanero plant from last year that I
overwintered looks none too healthy either.

I am in Maine, and daytime temperatures have been in the mid 60's, (F) while
night-time temperatures have been in the low 50's - down to the coldest of about
48 degrees Fahrenheit. We have had mostly full bright sun for the past two weeks
or so, except for just a couple of cloudy days with highs near 57 F.

What is killing the plants? the cool evening temperatures or the full bright

I have grown habaneros in the past, but I started them outdoors, and they bore
fruit in late August. I wanted to get a jump on things this year. I still have
four plants in pots under the lights indoors.

                              ....Ed Johnson....