Re: [CH] leaf spraying

Suz (
Tue, 18 May 1999 19:33:50 -0700

Hiya Breeze!

Coca-Cola spray, now why didn't I think of that?  Wonder if Pepsi would work
as well as Coca-Cola, since I have Pepsi on hand?

Someone suggested putting a drop of superglue on each of their tiny wings,
me thinks that would take a little bit of patience for 1500 bugs x 2 wings

My nursery  also has a "thing" full of unhatched praying mantis's ... or
manti ... whatever ... that you hang near the garden and when the
temperature reaches about  75 degrees, as many as 300 hatch, so you have
lots of little mantis buggers running all over eating the aphids.  I think
I'll pick up one of those thingees next trip to the nursery.

Chiles are doing just great, weather is great here in SoCal, but wait a few
minutes and check back.

Let us know how the Coca-Cola solution (pun intended) works out.

Suz    (sittin' in Sunny SoCal)

>Aphids have arrived here also, and my 1000 ladybugs will be
>picked up on Saturday. They are in a can and are to be kept
>in the regrigerator (does this sound right??) until I am ready
>to put them outside. What I have to do is (wait till you hear
>this!) dilute a can of Coca-Cola 1:1 with water, and put it into
>a spray bottle. Dump the chilled ladybugs (guess that keeps them
>from flying?) onto a large cookie sheet, and spray them with the
>diluted Coca-cola. After they are all sprayed, wait a few minutes
>then put them on your plants. The soda mixture hardens and will
>keep them from flying away, they come out of the can very hungry,
>and will eat your aphids. I guess as soon as it rains (or you rinse
>your plants!) the water will wash off the soda mixture? Hmmmm, think
>I'll double check these instructions when I pick up my can-o-ladybugs!

     ("`-'-/").___..--''"`-._           Suz,
      `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)  aka
      (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   the katj
    _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'