[CH] Upcoming Chili Cook-offs

Jo-Anne and Kevin Dooley (jdooley@uniserve.com)
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 17:27:52 -0700

Just wanted to let everyone know of a couple chili cook-offs coming up
in the Vancouver, B.C. area:

The Canadian Chili Championships - ICS sanctioned event
August 8 at the Richmond Inn, Richmond, B.C.

BBQ and Chili Cookoff - CASI event
August 1 at Westminster Quay, New Westminster, B.C.

If you want any additional info, plse contact me. 

Passionately yours,	jdooley@uniserve.com	
Jo-Anne			http://www.apassionforpeppers.com
A Passion for Peppers.......Heatin' up the world!