[CH] hard to nail flavours

J. B. Cattley (jbc@mpx.com.au)
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 00:29:31 +1000

Ooky guys, two flavours I have come across recently in commercial products
that I would like to replicate, but just can't ID. Both were in rendang
sauce, though over two different brands.

The first was in Song Gai Rendang. A strange alkaloid/resinous taste, rather
as though you had told someone about ginger, but they got it badly wrong. I
thought it was galangal, but there wasn't any in it. I stupidly threw away
the tin before I could take note of the other ingredients. Nothing special
though, AFAICR. Also found this in Brahim's Instant Chef 'Tangy Meat Sauce'

The other one was in Brahim's Instant Chef 'Dry Curry Sauce'. Can't describe
it, but also found in LeCari Singapore curry.

 Anyone tried these?
