[CH] Descriptions/Pictures

Imaginis (imaginis@dial.pipex.com)
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 12:34:25 -0700

Hi everyone,

Cold July morning in the UK, it would be a nice day if it was October! 
Just 10 miles down the road from where the British Open Golf is being 
played and if you saw the TV coverage yesterday you'll know what I mean 
about the weather.

Sorry, I digress. What I'd like to know is are there any sites that have 
descriptions of what a chile PLANT should look like, you know stuff like 
height, whether it's a bush or tall? Pictures would be even better. I'm a 
first time grower and it'd be kinda helpful to know if the plants doing 
the right things.


David A Hothersall
Imaginis Ltd
PO Box 235
England		PR2 3GW

Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1772 717 218
E-Mail: imaginis @dial.pipex.com