re: [CH] label descriptions

The Old Bear (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 09:43:35 -0400

In Chile-Heads Digest, v.4 #492, Renae wrote:

>Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 08:22:08 -0500
>From: Renae <>
>Subject: [CH] label descriptions
>>What are some of y'all's favorite bottle descriptions?  I'm trying 
>>to keep this on topic!
>I haven't heard mention of Iguana sauces much on the list, but most 
>of the bottles have a delightful little story on the side of them. 
>My husband and I like to get some of these just for the story.  Most 
>of them are not very hot however - probably why they have not 
>received much time in the list. . . of course, has it's little story 
>about Iggy the Iguana finding the peppers for the stuff.

These folks have a nice web site, complete with recipes for their 
various sauces at:

        URL: < >

Right after I found their sauces in a store, I looked at the web 
pages and bookmarked the URL.  About a week later, the pages were 
gone and the domain name was 'on hold' at Internic.  So I phoned 
the company and talked to a nice young lady who checked things out 
and was glad I called -- between the company and its ad agency, 
no one had paid the $35 Internic fee.  (Thousands of dollar in web 
page design going to waste!)  Well, it's fixed now and worth a 

The Old Bear