[CH] Thai Coconut chicken soup

Doug Irvine (dirvin@bc.sympatico.ca)
Sun, 19 Jul 1998 14:58:44 +0000

Hey you two melted?? Here is a great hot weather recipe....HOT SOUP!
And if you think I am kidding, I'm not...it really cools you down, which
is why so many really spicy hot recipes come from the tropics.
Thai Coconut Chicken Soup
1	can coconut milk
2	cups chicken stock(homemade if possible)
2	habs, seeded and chopped
2	serrannos, seeded and chopped
2	jalapenos, seeded and chopped
3	cloves of garlic...(seeded and chopped?) didnt wanna ruin the mold
1	good knob of fresh ginger..chopped(leave seeds in!)
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 green bell pepper...both sliced into 2 inch long thin slices
1	red onion, chopped fine
1	tbls or more of fish sauce( I used 2 glugs)
1	tbls brown sugar
2	tbls peanut oil
1	block of tofu, weighted, and cut up after a lot of the water out

Put all the chopped peppers, garlic, onion, and ginger into a good sized
pot, that has been heated with the oil, and simmer for a few minuits,
add the chicken stock and the coconut milk, and bring to just below the
boil...do NOT let it boil, just simmer for about ten minuits
then add the tofu, cut into about one inch cubes, add the fish soy (nam
pla) and the sugar and taste...probably add more salt, and if you want
it really hot add a little red chile paste...garnish with cilantro
chopped into it just before serving...this is fast, hot, and tastes
terrific..I put this recipe together from a couple of others in two
different Thai books, one of them called for chicken thighs chopped into
it, which could also be done..hope you enjoy it as much as we
do...Cheers, Doug in BC