Re: [CH] Hot Sauce Tasting contest, part 2

Tony Flynn (
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 16:58:50 +1200

Curt Snyder, Hot's Desire wrote:
> A continuation of the bit yesterday on the hot sauce tasting. The guy
> who
> downed a shotglass of Blair's 2AM sauce called into the radio program
> again today. He's a painter and had left after the radio show to go to
> work. At some point during the show, he managed to get a little bit of
> the
> hot sauce on his hand. Which he then wiped on his pants. Apparently he
> showed up at someone's house to paint it and had to borrow his shower
> to
> get the burning to quit. There were several times during the day when
> he
> felt sick. Then he went home after work, drank a beer. Within seconds
> he
> began having cramps, was sweating furiously and finally his whole body
> began twitching (by this time he's laying on the bathroom floor). He
> recovered within a few minutes and was fine after that. Sounds like
> some
> peoples reaction to The Bread....

I sincerely hope that "Luke the Painter of Oz" Dos'nt react in this
un-CH like manner when giving demo's of hot sauce slurping <BG>

Tiny Flynn