[CH] Re: price $$$

City Print (cityprint@xtra.co.nz)
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 16:25:16 +1200

>Griffin wrote:
>The term "paid ... to much" can not be applied to hot sauces. A hot sauce is
>worth what ever you have to pay for it.
>=Mark replied:
>I was in a hotshop in new Orleans and saw a bottle of Tapat'io for $7.50.
>The same bottle in a supermarket here in Jersey is 79 cents.   Your call...

I rode over 180kms on my motorcycle to buy a bottle of Ralph's Righteous for NZ$12.95.
Was it worth it? YOU BETCHA. (Oh, the ride was fun too)

I've been trying to think of words to describe Ralph's...
The list starts with BLOODY HECK!!! then the knuckles start draggin'

Melinda's XXXXreserve seemed a little tame after Ralph's

