[CH] Re : Vietnamese Chile Garlic Sauce

Tue, 28 Jul 1998 08:25:37 -0500

Bill and Linda (and everyone else, for that matter),

That sauce is Sriracha, available from Huy Fong foods.  Check out their web
site, at http://www.huyfong.com.  They mostly sell sauces by the case, but
they have a sample pack of five of their sauces and pastes for $7.00 +

They're obviously more oriented towards supplying restaurants, as evidenced
by the Chile Paste being "Available in 8 oz., 18 oz., and 8.50 lbs. sizes."
I think it would take me quite a while to go through 8.50 pounds of chile
paste.  But then, one never knows.

In any case, you should also be able to find Sriracha at any Asian market /
grocery store.  Good luck,

- Bill Woodward

>Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 12:28:53 -0700
>From: Bill and Linda Moats <moats@valint.net>
>Subject: [CH] Vietnamese Chile Garlic Sauce
>Hi all,
>Does anyone have a recipe for a sauce similar to the one the comes in a
>clear plastic bottle with a green cap "Tung Ot something or other" made
>in Rosemead, CA? I used to buy it but since moving to NE Oregon haven't
>been able to find it.... but we are blessed by a large chile crop. TIA
>Bill Moats
>Chile today chile tomorrow