Re: [CH] Vietnamese Chile Garlic Sauce

David Cook (
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:43:18 -0700

Bill and Linda Moats wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone have a recipe for a sauce similar to the one the comes in
> a
> clear plastic bottle with a green cap "Tung Ot something or other"
> made
> in Rosemead, CA? I used to buy it but since moving to NE Oregon
> haven't
> been able to find it.... but we are blessed by a large chile crop. TIA
> Bill Moats
> Chile today chile tomorrow

Well, here I was all set to do a noble deed for a fellow chilehead by
trooping down to my fridge and copying down the ingredients on my jar
when I discovered (to my horror naturally) that I'd eaten it all. So now
I'm forced to rely on memory. It's pretty basic -- red chiles, garlic,
vinegar, and salt, but I remember reading an article on the co. in the
paper that suggested there's some "secret" formulation of all that. I do
know they have contracted farms up near Oxnard (CA) just to grow chiles
for them and it's supposed to be nothing more than jalapenos and maybe
serranos. The company is Huy Foods (I believe). The article said they
will sell direct and ship pretty much anywhere if you buy by the case.
If I can dig up the phone number, I'll post it to the list.

David Cook