[CH] Texas Fiery Foods Show

Mary Going (mary@firegirl.com)
Wed, 19 Aug 1998 17:50:56 -0400

We're leaving in the morning to head for Austin. If you're in the area,
please stop by our booth. It's #308. I have a bunch of Texas Fiery Foods
Show tee shirts to give away. Stop by the booth and tell me you are on the
chileheads list, and I'll give you one. 

The show looks like it's going to be a heck of a lot of fun. :-)

If you want more information about the show, we have some stuff on our web
site at http://firegirl.com

Hope to see you there!

- mary

FireGirl (Everybody Needs A Hero)					
Internet Solutions Superhero
Absolutely Everything About Hot Chiles
