[CH] aji amarillo or yellow aji limo?

John.C.Lilly-1 (John.C.Lilly-1@ou.edu)
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 08:51:39 -0500

Hi gang,
	Could someone please send me a description of both an aji amarillo and
a yellow aji limo.  I am particularly interested in the size, shape, and
color of the peppers.  I ordered both seeds and dried pods of the yellow
aji limo from a company a couple of years ago.  However, I have recently
discovered that the dried pods and the peppers grown from the seeds are
not the same.  I am guessing one is an aji amarillo and the other is a
yellow aji limo.  The company I ordered these from went under last year,
so no help is available from them.

BTW, I am green with envy from reading all the posts about other peoples
pepper crops.  Of the 40+ pepper plants I started out with, only 4 (yes,
four) are still alive :( .  The drought and high temperatures were just 
too much for the poor things.  High today is expected to be near 100 F,
and still no rain in the forecast.  

John Lilly