Re: [CH] Theft

Susan Byers (
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 17:42:23 -0500 (EST)

Actually we had this problem when we lived in town and had a huge garden.
Someone was helping themselves to our fruits and vegetables while we were
at work. As it was a small neighboorhood, people told us right away whowas
doing it. This person became known as the Garden Weasel and is still
called that here in Bloomington. When confronted about the theft she said:
so what are you going to do about it.
All kids of nasty plots ran through our heads. After canning one day, I
laid a trail of smelly leftover tomato bits from the food mill and some
rotten tomatoes, from the edge of the garden to her yard. I put some mown
grass over the tomato. Since she was always barefoot, I knew she would get
a good stinky foot. Our neighbors reported much screaming and cursing next
time she made a daytime garden raid.
It was the only thing I could think to do that would not be illegal and
still gave me some satisfaction.