[CH] Good bugs or bad bugs?

Valerie (seabreeze@concentric.net)
Tue, 08 Sep 1998 23:25:48 -0500

Hi gang
I'm confused about a bug that I THOUGHT was helping me to keep aphid
population under control, but now I'm not so sure. Like Glenda asked
of Dorothy--"are you a good witch or a bad witch?" but these bugs
don't answer me! They are flying (beatles mayhaps?) kinda similar
to ladybugs in shape, but yellow with black spots. They've been hanging
around ONLY the Red Savinas... nary a one near the hungarian wax or
the jalopenos... figures!! The Pepper Pest Management page I found at
had some pics, but nothing there looks like these things! Does anybody
know what they might be? BTW I am in St Louis Missouri area if it makes
a difference.....
The Savs and I thank you from the heart :) 

"Would you not like to be
Sitting on top of the world with your legs hanging free" djm

Valerie / Breeze.....  whatever!!             
ICQ# 3953329

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