[CH] Backdraft !!

Andrew Healy (A.Healy@surrey.ac.uk)
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 08:58:22 +0100

Jim and Abby Campbell have done it again !!!  Not content with merely
inventing 'The Bread' (apologies to other cooks) - they have invented a
bonzer [limited edition] red savina paste/sauce called (fittingly)
'Backdraft'.  If I can go into an Oz Clarke [a wine critic here, famed for
his flowery descriptions of tastes] mode.  

"This is an earthy, chargrilled flavour.  Much drier than say that of the
Hab or Scotch Bonnet.  And yet, it has the abilty to fry your tastebuds
delightfully, coaxing them into going 'for just a little more sauce', until
your mouth suddenly explodes and you get an endorphin rush like a tsunami.
Like having your tonsils dynamited with fluffy pillows.  A real winner."

Well done, Jim and Abby- and thanks for sending those badges too...

That which doesn't kill us, makes us strong !  <Nietzsche>

					Andrew Healy