[CH] i need good, hot chili

Mon, 19 Oct 1998 09:55:12 EDT

I never have the chance to make ultra-hot chili because no one in my family
would eat it. Poor me. BUT, finally a chance to make chili the way I want to
eat it. At work we are having a "Grazing Day" for United Way. Our department's
job is to provide lunch ... I said I'd bring chili. Another guy said he'd
bring chili. Somehow, testosterone got involved. Now I need the help from all
my wonderful chile-head brothers and sisters. I'm looking for a recipe that
delivers off-the-scale heat as well as superb flavor. I want people walking
around the office gasping for breath, but in between breathes, talking about
the chili's exquisite taste. I know you folks can help me out. I would also
prefer a recipe that uses no meat ... chicken or turkey at the least.
Thanks for the assistance ... and when I win, we can all bask in the glory of
the victory.
