[CH] Habanero Hummus

Buffalo Sue (bflosue@earthlink.net)
Tue, 07 Mar 2000 00:37:52 -0600

Continuing on with the theme of strange dinner items eaten by
single women, last night I ate hab hummus with toasted pita. 
Add a few olives and an orange, and it's almost healthy  :-)   
And considering how much I made (I usually only make this for 
parties), I'll be having it for many, many, many more nights!

My recipe is brain-dead simple.  It makes a ton and keeps well 
in the fridge.  I have never tried to freeze it (until now, 
that is!), but it should work.  Adjust seasonings to taste:

1 lb dried chick peas (garbonzo beans)
1 head garlic, peeled
8 oz lemon juice (fresh preferred, but the frozen kind is ok)
8 oz tahini (toasted sesame paste) 
olive oil 
toasted sesame oil
hab powder (lots for CH's; omit for non-CH's)
cayenne powder (just a little bit for color)
cilantro or parsley (your choice), fresh or dried, chopped fine 

Rinse the chick peas and add lots of water.  Cook at a medium
boil until very tender, approximately 3-4 hours.  Replenish the 
water as it evaporates away.

Finely chop the garlic in a food processor.  Add the chick peas 
(drained) plus everything else except the cilantro/parsley and 
whiz until very smooth (if your food processor is small, you may 
have to do this in 2 batches).  Taste it and adjust seasonings.  
If too dry, add more lemon juice or water (if using dried herbs, 
it's better for it to be a little wetter).  Remove to serving 
bowl and stir in cilantro or parsley.  Drizzle a little additional 
olive oil on top and serve.

Makes a great dip for toasted pita or for raw veggies.

Buffalo Sue

"Mild is a four-letter word..."