[CH] Chile Coffee.

Steve M Duddy (timetiles@icon.co.za)
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 21:55:25 +0200

This has probably been done before... But anyway... I ground up some super
hot chiles (I think they were cayennes) in my electric coffee grinder.
Forgot about it and next time... Surprise.. Surprise.   Ground some coffee
and enjoyed the results.  Actually dished up this coffee to unexpected
company (through the filter machine).  Very complimentary, they were, I'll
have you know.  Couple of days later I decide to make myself some "Plunger
Coffee"  letting it soak a bit.  I normally drink tea.  And found myself
drinking a delicious nectar.

Coffee with just the warmth you'd expect if someone had just kinda splasch a
dollop of whiskey in your mug by mistake.  No actual chile flavor.  Try it
out on your Folks... Your kids!  I believe chile-love is an acquired taste.
The earlier acquired the better.

South Africa

No signs of the seeds rising yet.