[CH] green's gonna love this!

Tue, 28 Mar 2000 08:47:15 -0700


So I went to the local supermarket and bought some of their top 
sirloin on sale, brought it home and teriyaki marinated it for a day 
bbq'd it over hickory smoke (with the intention of feeding it to some 
non C-H's guests) and upon mastication found it inedible.  Very 
embarrassing!  So waddaya do?  First you get your money 

Ya chop up a couple of onions
chop up a couple a cloves of garlic
chop up the inedible steak

Saute the onions and garlic till they're transparent
Throw in the steak and a coupla cans of whole tomatos.  I cut them 
up a little in the can before adding.
1/2 cup of chile powder (any commercial brand)

Whirl up a can or two of Chipotle en Adobo and throw them in too.

Bring to a boil and simmer until the *&^#$@ steak is tender!

Simple, but oh so good.

Tim in Kalispell