[CH] Hot-dogs, scarified, with moles

Steve M Duddy (timetiles@icon.co.za)
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 15:15:08 +0200

If any-one gives a recipe for "Hot -Dogs"  I'm leaving.  Cancel the
subscription.  I mean really!  How did this get here anyway?  I suppose I've
got a "Dog-House" with a cat thrown in for variety.  Fortunately the cat
never has been attracted to any plants, Byron.  No help from this side.  I
do think the "tape" measure is a winner, though.  Perhaps in smaller
amounts.  Cats hate getting things stuck to their feet.

My Autumn planted seeds have been rather sporadic in their germination.  The
ones I cleaned out of fresh chiles have popped up, none of the dried ones
(two and a half weeks, no special treatments).  Of course the labels have
not stood up as I expected.  Another two or three weeks and I'll have
"Mystery Plants".  (Suggestions for labels would be welcome).  Not a big
problem as they were rather mysterious to begin with.  Labels such as
"Round, not too hot" or "Jalapeno-ish, larger though".   All chiles you buy
in the shops here are labeled: "chiles".

Scarification of seeds serves the purpose of abrading the seed skin of some
cultivators which normally have to endure some trial-some ordeal before they
can germinate, i.e. ordeal by fire, ordeal by bird gut etc.  What you are
basically trying to do, is allow water to get to the kernel inside in order
for it to begin to swell, which will eventually split the entire skin
allowing germination.  The nail-file suggestion is probably the best! :)

I'm suffering from a major mole problem.  Any suggestions?  I want them to
move, not kill 'em.  The one deterrent I had didn't agree with my pets!  It
was a cape cobra which I had removed, to the wilds of course.

Greetings to "Sneakie" Pierre Goffinet.  Welcome to the CH's from a fellow
South African resident.

Condolences to Andrew, who has lost his babies.  We feel for you!  It's not
to late to try again.

Steve M. Duddy
The Wilderness
South Africa