[CH] I guess I am going to be up all night!

McWilliams, Dan (DMcWilliams@fendall.com)
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 10:47:19 -0500

I just read something I was not aware of relating to peppers - specifically
Jalapenos. On
http://www.thirdage.com/health/nutrition/sayyes/menu1sleep.html there is a
list of foods and things which interfere with sleep. About halfway down the
list there is JALAPENO PEPPERS! Well I guess I am going to losing a
loooooottttttttt of sleep. Supposedly they are a stimulant. I have lost a
little sleep occasionally when I severely overindulge on my pickled
Jalapenos and poppers but I thought that was gas and heartburn. And does
this apply to other peppers? Crud, maybe I am not so crazy - it's just sleep
deprivation. Maybe there is a sleepy time pepper out there somewhere to
counteract the effects. Maybe I could sell peppers to the college kids here
in town at finals time rather them having to down all that NoDoz. Maybe I'll
just go back to work.

Stay Up All Night with Rhonda Jalapeno-

The Chile Cheese Head,
Dan McWilliams