Re: [CH] FW: Tofu Linked To Mental Decline In The Elderly

the chile man (
Thu, 06 Apr 2000 07:36:46 -0400

Actually, Doug, Sally Fallon, in her book "Nourishing Traditions"
implicates soy products, of all kinds, in a variety of nutritional

Ms. Fallon claims tofu contains toxins, picked up during processing, and
that it is indigestible.

I purchased the book through Amazon; a truly great read.  I'd place it
up there right beside Jeremy Rifkin's "Beyond Beef."  Ms. Fallon does to
the soy and hydrogenated oils industry what Mr. Rifkin did to the
feedlot.  Oof -

Robert Farr
The Chile Man
Hot sauce made from organically-grown peppers
(that's "chile" with an "e")