RE: [CH] Chipotle Peppers

Rockin' Randy (
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 19:10:19 -0700 (PDT)

I'm glad you asked, but I'll have to narrate a story to explain:

After leaving Madison, Indiana I stopped in Louisville to see
long-time friends.  They gave me a tall glass container from
Value City with a spicket at the bottom and a large cork for a

Still in my possesion was a one pound bag of chipotles I had
brought to the Hotluck from the International Farmer's Market in
Decatur, Ga.  I also had some Gold Dust, in the form of
Campbell's Hab Flakes and a rare batch of his Chipotle Powder. 
I'm not even sure if it is commercially available.

Now, I don't mean to get on the Campbell Soapbox but you must
understand this man operates from the Heart, not the Purse.

So ... to my glass container I added:

Three tablespoons of Jim's Apple Wood Smoked Hab Powder 
Three tablespoons of Jim's Chipotle Powder
1/4 pound of Arbol Peppers
2 Gaujillo Peppers
2 Ancho Peppers
1/4 pound of Chipotles
4 Fresh Habs
Plenty Chunks of Ginger Root (Dedicated to Ms. DeForest)

I cut slits in the Chipotles to allow their heavenly essence to
seep into the final ingredient - Vodka!

It took about 1 1/2 gallons to fill the container.  After a few
hours it had a wonderful smoky flavor, which I thought would
make a great addition to Bloody Mary mix.  Now, days later, one
can't see through the mixture.  Only the bravest of warriors
have been able to tolerate a small amount of the elixer
straight.  More than a few drops renders it to a Controlled
Substance category.  I call it The Smokey Mary Medicinal Elixer.

Already, it has cured in experimental subjects:

Sinus Congestion, Headache, Poor Circulation, Constipation,
Memory Lapse, Loss of Appetite,  Too Much Appetite, Eyelid
Quivers, The Heebie Jeebies and Illusions of Granduer.  It's
Expectorant effect is unrivaled!

Write privately about a Chipotle Care Package.


--- Mary & Riley <> wrote:
> someone else will comment on these?  And I'd like some
> recommendations on
> just plain, un-canned Chipotles, too, like where to get them.
> Hope this helps,
> Riley

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